According to Wikipedia, 'A booty call is a telephone call, other communication, or visitation made with the sole intent of arranging a meeting for sexual acts with the person being contacted. It is associated with casual sex between people who have established a casual relationship,' yeah this is all supposed to make sense when you don't get attached to that person, but what do you do when you do, and you are just a booty call to the other person.
I been going through a lot lately in my personal life, and this person comes along in my life. It was at an opening night for a club in the city, and i never thought that i was going to get involved with this guy. I arrived at the club around mid-nite and it was one of those days that i just went out without planning it, walked into the club and he was the first person i saw by the bar, Just look at him, and that was all. I was just with friends all night, so nothing really happened at that club. We went to an after-party at Avenue and there he was, This time he approached me to say hi and started to talk, It was time to go so we exchanged numbers and said Good-bye.
The next day, i sent him a text and he replied, we agreed to meet with each other in SoHo and go out. Well that night happened...................... I'm a big flirt but never really have casual sex with guys, but he happened to be the person who filled the void in my life.
We have been seeing each other for about two months, We actually hang out together and go out to clubs, but in the end of the night, we usually ended up having sex! I think that i'm starting to like him way too much, and don't know how to stop this feeling.
I have asked friends on what to do, and the answer is always the same 'Stop seeing him,' but what about if he is the person that somehow makes you feel good, and i'm not talking about just the sex part, but when someone makes you laugh and enjoy the time.
I got into this booty call thing, and i knew that it was going to be that way with him. So it's not really his fault but mine. He has never promised me anything or tell me anything about something else. I'm not sure about what to do with the situation, don't know if i'll be able to just stop talking to him, or start seeing him just as a DAMN BOOTY CALL!