I think two days with the family was insane, But it's always good to get with them just to remind me how important i am to them. Now that i live in the city, i don't get to see them as often so days like Christmas are the best.
I drove to my parents house, and as soon as i parked my car i could hear people screaming, and yes my family members do not know how to talk like normal people do, we scream because everybody is so loud, that in order to have a conversation you must scream. Well i grabbed the Christmas gifts and walked into the house, and they were at least 30 of us, and it was just like a circus. Well First of all, to get across the living room it took at least 20 minutes. You know saying hi to everybody. Good thing i spotted my two fave family members, my cousin Mercy and my sister-in-law Marie, than i knew it was in for a good night.
Of course Mercy and I started looking for the alcohol, and started the night. I love her because even though we don't see each other that often, every time i see her we get into the most deep conversations and talk about everything. We somehow always cry, laugh and enjoy every single time we see each other.
It was also an special night because my cousin Rudy is going back to Irak in two weeks, there were moments at the table that someone would say 'Hey Rudy, next year Christmas dinner will be even better,' and suddenly there was this silence..... Until someone said something funny and break the ice.
This Christmas was so different to every other one, I think that i have changed in the last year and have learned to appreciate my family and time with them. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas.
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